In the world of email, just like in life, you don't get many chances to make a stellar first impression. And if you mess it up, well... you may not get a chance to redeem yourself.
Did you know emails in a welcome flow generate a 86% greater click rate than one-time sends?
The welcome series is one of the most important automated email flows you can set up.
This is a chance to educate people about your brand, make that crucial first impression, tell subscribers what to expect, and convince new shoppers to explore your store.
Think of it like a first date: Where would you take that date to really put your best foot forward?
Would you take him to McDonald's (no hate, we've been known to crush a 20-piece chicken nugget meal solo), or to a romantic ice rink where you can show off that triple axel you've so masterfully perfected over the years?
Our suggestion is to start with a 4-part email sequence.
Email new subscribers over the first 7-10 days after they subscribe.
1) Email 1 - Gets sent immediately.
Email 1 typically drives the most revenue in this series, so it’s really important to get this email right!
Welcome your new subscribers, fulfill whatever promise you used to get them to subscribe (discount code, free shipping, gift with purchase, etc.), and tell them what they can expect.
HOT TIP: Auto-resend Email 1 to non-openers 24 hours later. Send the exact same email again, and just change the subject line.

2) Email 2 - Trigger 1-2 days later.
Tell your brand story, brand standards, what differentiates you from your competitors, etc. Include your guarantees!
3) Email 3 - Trigger 2-3 days later.
Include social proof, reviews, press coverage, and display popular products.
HOT TIP: Try adding a GIF that rotates between reviews.
4) Email 4 - Trigger 3 days later.
Introduce your team. Include a last chance reminder (discount, free shipping, gift with purchase — whatever your offer was).
Your benchmarks
Here are some average benchmarks to aim for:
Email 1: 30 - 50% open rate
Email 2: 20 - 40% open rate
Email 3: 20 - 35% open rate
Email 4: 20 - 30% open rate
The Welcome flow is a big part of the Merchant Mastery Elite training, and we give you templates, just like the one above, plus lots of examples from other brands.
Got questions about your eCommerce website / strategy? Our team member Brandon LOVES to talk about this stuff! Schedule a free, 1-on-1 call with him below.