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In the world of email, just like in life, you don't get many chances to make a stellar first impression. And if you mess it up, well... you may not get a chance to redeem yourself.

Did you know emails in a welcome flow generate a 86% greater click rate than one-time sends?

The welcome series is one of the most important automated email flows you can set up. 

OK, it doesn't just kind of suck. It sucks big time. Did you know that according to Shopify, out of every 10 customers that add a product to cart, 7 will abandon the purchase?!

The thing about cart abandonment, however, is that it's the lowest hanging fruit — these shoppers have demonstrated high intent to purchase, and they just haven't followed through with the transaction yet.

So as a store owner, you need every tactic in your toolkit to farm these sales opportunities.

The only way to grow a sustainable, profitable eCommerce business is to give your customers a reason to buy and to keep buying. Here are 6 offer ideas to encourage shopper to buy NOW.
